Last updated 2024-04-10 17:33:50

Removing "Public" From Laravel URL Routes On Hostinger

Table of contents

The Laravel framework has an index.php file within its public directory. This serves as the entry point for all incoming traffic/requests. This means the only way to access any route is to go through the /public directory.

Thus to reach /home, you would have to visit domain.tld/public/home. In the rest of this article, we will look at how to get rid of the /public sub-path from our URLs using the .htaccess config file.

Note: The discussed solution only works on systems running an Apache [↗] or Lightspeed [↗] web server [→]

Hypertext Access Configuration

There are different ways to remove the /public path from your URLs, this post will however focus on a solution using the .htaccess configuration file.

Hypertext Access or .htaccess is a configuration file that allows you to override the default behavior of an Apache webserver [↗].

In this case, we will be using it to rewrite how our web server handles routing.

  • Go ahead and create a .htaccess file in the root folder of your Laravel app. I.E: laravel-app/.htaccess

Directory Structure

01: laravel-app 02: ├── .htaccess
  • Next copy and paste the configuration below into the the newly created file.


01: RewriteEngine on 02: RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^domain.tld$ [NC,OR] 03: RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.domain.tld$ 04: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !public/ 05: RewriteRule (.*) /public/$1 [L]

Code walkthrough

  • Line 01 [→]: By setting RewriteEngine on we ensure that the Apache mod_rewrite module is enabled and ready to rewrite URLs.
  • Line 02 [→]: Checks if the provided hostname matches "domain.tld"
  • Line 03 [→]: Same as above but starting with www
  • Line 04 [→]: Check if the requested URI does not start with "public/"
  • Line 05 [→]: If all conditions are met, rewrite the URL to prepend "/public/" to the request URI

Setting .htaccess on Hostinger

Hostinger Dashboard Image [→]

  • Once you are logged onto your Hostinger account, navigate to the website you would like to configure.
  • From here click on the File Manager card.

Hostinger File Manager [→]

  • Once you land on the file manager, navigate to public_html > public
  • click on the "New file" option on the left-hand navigation.
  • Create a file with the name ".htaccess"
  • Click on Create to save this file
  • Double-click on the file i.e: .htaccess to open it
  • Fill it with the configuration from this section [→]
  • Click on the save icon on the far right to save the file

That should do the trick.

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