Published 5 months ago

How To Include Square Root Notations In Markdown

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Let's be clear: Markdown [↗] alone can't handle complex mathematical notations. Markdown is designed for basic text formatting and has a limited set of features.

Markdown's main goal is to allow text and documents to be formatted in a way that is easy to read and simple to render on the web. That’s why its syntax is based on a subset of HTML that deals mainly with text formatting.

For more advanced formatting or functionality, you'll need to use HTML or other tools that fit the specific task.

Using Unicode

For simple math symbols, like the square root symbol (√), you can use HTML Unicode [↗].

So, to show √10, you would write:

01: √10

Alternatively, you can use:

01: √10

Both of these will display the square root symbol followed by the number 10.

Using MathML

As mentioned earlier, Markdown doesn’t support advanced math notations directly, but you can use MathML [↗] for this purpose. MathML is a markup language specifically for math notation and is supported by many browsers [↗].

MathML allows for more detailed mathematical expressions compared to Unicode.

For our example of √10, here’s how you would write it in MathML:

01: <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> 02: <msqrt> 03: <mn>10</mn> 04: </msqrt> 05: </math>

MathML has various tags that can take a little time to learn, but it becomes straightforward once you get the hang of it.

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