Published 7 months ago

Math Symbols Cheatsheet For Markdown & HTML

If you want to add math symbols to your website or markdown document, you can use HTML entities. This cheat sheet makes it easy to find the right code.

Just look at the table below to see the symbol, its HTML entity, and the Unicode value. Use these codes to display math symbols in your text.

Symbol HTML Entity Unicode
+ + U+002B
- - U+2212
× × U+00D7
÷ ÷ U+00F7
= = U+003D
≠ U+2260
< &lt; U+003C
> &gt; U+003E
&le; U+2264
&ge; U+2265
± &plusmn; U+00B1
&infin; U+221E
&radic; U+221A
&sum; U+2211
&prod; U+220F
&int; U+222B
&part; U+2202
&Delta; U+2206
&nabla; U+2207
&isin; U+2208
&notin; U+2209
&cup; U+222A
&cap; U+2229
&empty; U+2205
&and; U+2227
&or; U+2228
&sub; U+2282
&sup; U+2283
&sube; U+2286
&supe; U+2287
&oplus; U+2295
&otimes; U+2297
&perp; U+22A5
&rArr; U+21D2
&hArr; U+21D4
&forall; U+2200
&exist; U+2203
&#8756; U+2234
&#8757; U+2235
&ang; U+2220
&perp; U+22A5
&nabla; U+2207
&cong; U+2245
&asymp; U+2248
&prop; U+221D
&vdash; U+22A2
&dashv; U+22A3
&bigcap; U+22C2
&bigcup; U+22C3
&bigvee; U+22C1
&bigwedge; U+22C0
&subset; U+2282
&supset; U+2283
&subseteq; U+2286
&supseteq; U+2287
&setminus; U+2216
&notin; U+2209

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