Published 9 months ago

A Sample Page With Broken Links For Testing Purposes

This page exists for testing purposes.

A Poem of Status Codes

In a world of web, where links do roam, I sought to find them, in their own home.

Link to Status 200 [↗]

Link to Status 404 [↗]

Link to Status 500 [↗]

I clicked and clicked, to see where they lead, To a world of wonders, or to pages dead?

The status 200, a joyous delight, Content aplenty, all clear in sight.

The status 404, a page not found, Lost in the void, with nary a sound.

The status 500, an internal server error, A glitch in the matrix, causing much terror.

But fear not, dear reader, for this tale is just fun, Testing broken links, until the day is done.

Link embeded using Javascript

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