Updated 4 months ago
Creating A Browser-based Interactive Terminal (Using XtermJS And NodeJS)A browser-based terminal has many practical use cases. Instead of sharing server access through SSH keys, you can provide access via a web-based terminal that is secured b...
Published 5 months ago
What Is A Language Server?A language server is a tool that provides support features for coding languages, such as autocomplete, error checking, and documentation hints, without needing to embed this functionality in each code editor. It works through a common protocol called the ...
Published 5 months ago
What Is Homomorphic Encryption?Homomorphic encryption is a type of encryption that lets you perform calculations on data while it is still encrypted. Normally, if you want to do anything with encrypted data, you first have to decrypt it, which can expose sensitive information. With homomorphic encryption, you can keep ...
Published 5 months ago
How To Get Git To Recognize File Case ChangesMy very first time of deploying software onto a server, I worked on on a Windows machine and deployed my code to a Linux server, and everything broke in unexpected ways. One of the first issues I ran into was related to file paths. What worked on Windows didn’t necessarily work Linux. I...
Published 5 months ago
How Can I Have Two Main Branches Pointing To Different Repos?In this article, I will guide you through setting up your codebase to push to the main branch of two different repositories. This isn’t something most people usually need to do, but here I am, working on a codebase where I have a base code repository. Other repos branch out from this base, each...
Published 5 months ago
How To Handle File Uploads In Node.js Using The Express-fileupload PackageIn this article, we will go step-by-step through handling file uploads in a Node.js application using the express-fileupload package. There are several ways to handle fi...