Published a month ago

What Are Immutable Variables And Objects?

In programming, immutability means that once a variable or object is created, its value cannot be changed. If you need a different value, you must create a new variable or object instead of modifying the exis...

Published a month ago

What Is Edge Computing?

Edge computing gets its name from where the computing happens—at the edge of the network, as close to the user as possible. Instead of relying on distant data centers, edge computing processes request the use of nearby resources whenever possible. This speeds up responses and improves overall p...

Published 2 months ago

What Is A Substring In Programming?

A substring is a part of a string . A substring from the string "Hello, World!" could be any smaller chain of characters within that sentence, such as "Hello," "World," or even "lo, Wo." ...

Published 5 months ago

What Is A Daemon?

A daemon (pronounced "dee-mon") is a computer program that runs in the background, rather than being directly controlled by the user. It usually starts when the system boots up and continues running to perform tasks quietly in the background. Daemons are important because they han...

Published 5 months ago

What Is A Language Server?

A language server is a tool that provides support features for coding languages, such as autocomplete, error checking, and documentation hints, without needing to embed this functionality in each code editor. It works through a common protocol called the ...

Published 5 months ago

What Is Homomorphic Encryption?

Homomorphic encryption is a type of encryption that lets you perform calculations on data while it is still encrypted. Normally, if you want to do anything with encrypted data, you first have to decrypt it, which can expose sensitive information. With homomorphic encryption, you can keep ...