Published 7 months ago

What Are Services In Android Development?

A service is a component in an Android app that can do work in the background. It doesn't have a user interface (UI). You can use a service to run long tasks without blocking the user. Services help us in many ways: Background Work: You can do things like playing sound...

Published 7 months ago

What Is An Intent In Android Development?

An Intent in Android is like a message. You use it to ask another part of the app to do something. For example, you can use an Intent to start a new screen, send a message, or talk to a background service. Intents are essential for these actions. There are two types of Intents: Explici...

Published 7 months ago

What Are Fragments In Android Development?

A fragment is a small part of an Android app's user interface (UI). Think of it like a mini activity, thus if you know what an Android Activity is. It has its own layout and beh...

Published 7 months ago

What Is An Activity In Android Development?

An Activity in Android is a single screen with a user interface. Think of it as the main point where users interact with the app. For example, an email app might have one Activity showing a list of emails, another Activity to compose a new email, and another Activity for reading emails. Each scr...

Published 7 months ago

What Are CSS Container Queries?

CSS is always changing, giving web developers new tools to make websites look good on all devices. One of these new tools is CSS container queries. CSS container queries are a new feature in CSS. They let you apply styles based on the size of a container, not the size of the whole browse...

Published 7 months ago

What Is ETL?

ETL stands for Extract, Transform, Load. It is a process used in data management and data warehousing. Let's break it down into simple terms. Extract Extraction is the first step in the ETL process. This involves taking data from different sources. These sources can be datab...