Published 2 days ago

What Is A Daemon?

Table of contents


A daemon (pronounced "dee-mon") is a computer program that runs in the background, rather than being directly controlled by the user. It usually starts when the system boots up and continues running to perform tasks quietly in the background.

Use Case or Example

Daemons are important because they handle tasks like running scheduled jobs, and running as secondary tasks to support main programs.

For example, in Unix-based systems (like Linux or macOS), a daemon can be responsible for tasks such as printing or sending emails.

Another example is a web server daemon. When you visit a website, your browser sends a request to the server hosting the website. A daemon, like Apache or Nginx, is running on the server and listens for such requests. When it gets a request, the daemon responds by delivering the web page to your browser. The server daemon works in the background, making sure that every user request is handled without the need for human intervention.

A cron daemon in Linux for example, is responsible for running scheduled tasks. For instance, if you want your system to back up files every day at midnight, the cron daemon will handle this by running the backup process at the specified time, every day, without needing you to trigger it manually.


In summary, a daemon is a background program that runs on your computer or server, quietly performing important tasks without needing user input. Daemons are essential for many automated processes, like managing web requests or handling scheduled jobs.

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