Published a year ago

What Is A Compiler?

The general definition goes something like this, A compiler is a program that translates a programming language to another mostly ...

Published a year ago

What Is A Configuration?

Every software we use comes with built-in behaviors and attributes like, the colors used for its interface, the size of inputs, and hidden parts like what kind of database it uses. Most of these attributes are written in code as part of the application but sometimes developers decide to extract ...

Published a year ago

What Is A Cookie?

A Cookie is a small text file that is created by a website and stored on your browser. It contains a small set of information about you to identify you once you revisit the website from the web browser. This way, a website can load the content based on your preferences and give you a pers...

Published a year ago

What Is A Dark Pattern?

Dark Patterns involve confusing user interface elements used to entice a user to perform specific actions. There are many types of dark patterns and below are a few of them: ...

Published a year ago

What Is A Database?

A database is a collection of information that has been structured for easy access, administration, and updating. Databases are designed to make it easy to store, retrieve, modify, and delete data, among other data-processing activities. In software development, a developer intera...

Published a year ago

What Is A Deadlock?

Deadlock is a scenario where two or multiple processes or computer programs get blocked because every one of them is holding a resource while also waiting on the other process to release the resources it needs. In the early era of computer systems, the ...