You can use the Number prototype .toFixed
[→] method in Javascript to Round up a Number to 2 decimal places.
01: let num = 10.15645;
02: let fixedNum = num.toFixed(2); // Rounds to 2 decimal places
03: console.log(fixedNum); // Output: "10.16"
Do note that the result will be converted to a string so if you want to further perform some mathematical computation on the result you will have to covert this back to a float using the parseFloat [→] function.
01: let num = 10.15645;
02: let fixedNum = num.toFixed(2); // "10.16"
03: let floatValue = parseFloat(fixedNum); // 10.16
04: console.log(floatValue); // Output: 10.16
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