Published 10 months ago

Customizing Laravel: Renaming The Queue Table From 'jobs' To Your Preferred Name

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Laravel's queue system [↗] makes it possible to process tasks in the background. By default, Laravel uses a table named jobs to store queued jobs. However, in some cases, you might want to change the name of this table, because you want to use it as a table name for something else.

In this blog post, we'll explore how you can easily rename the queue table from jobs to your preferred name.

If you have not yet started using queues in your project you only need to follow Step 4: Update Configuration [→].

Step 1: Generate a Migration

The first step is to generate a new migration file. This migration file will contain the schema for changing the existing queue table jobs to a different table name.

Open your terminal and run the following command:

Create new migration

$ php artisan make:migration rename_queue_table

This will create a new migration file in the database/migrations directory of your Laravel project.

Step 2: Modify the Migration File

Next, open the generated migration file in your text editor.

Inside the up() method, define the name change schema. For example, if you want to rename the table to custom_jobs, you will add the following Schema::rename('jobs', 'custom_jobs');line(04) [→]:


01: ... 02: public function up() 03: { 04: Schema::rename('jobs', 'custom_jobs'); 05: } 06: 07: /** 08: * Reverse the migrations. 09: * 10: * @return void 11: */ 12: public function down() 13: { 14: Schema::rename('custom_jobs', 'jobs'); 15: } 16: ...

In the up method, we're using the Schema::rename() method to rename the jobs table to custom_jobs.

In the down method, we define the reverse operation [→] to rename the table back to jobs. You know, just in case we need to change the table name back for some reason.

Please Note: The rollback process may fail in the future, once you assign jobs to another table.

Step 3: Run the Migration

Once you've modified the migration file, save it and return to your terminal. Run the migration using the following Artisan command:

Run migration command

$ php artisan migrate

This will execute the migration and rename the queue table in your database to the specified name.

Step 4: Update Configuration

Finally, you need to update the queue.php configuration file to reflect the new table name.

Open the config/queue.php file and locate the 'database' connection configuration. Update the 'table'line 04) [→] option to match the new name of your queue table:


01: 'connections' => [ 02: 'database' => [ 03: 'driver' => 'database', 04: 'table' => 'custom_jobs', // Update this line 05: 'queue' => 'default', 06: 'retry_after' => 90, 07: ], 08: ],

With these steps completed, Laravel will now use your preferred name for the queue table when storing and processing queued jobs.

If you haven't set up queues yet, running php artisan queue:table will use your preferred table name, such as custom_jobs, instead of the default jobs table name when you eventually set up queues.

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