Published 2 years ago

How To Build A Serverless Contact Form With Digital Ocean Functions

This tutorial walks you through creating a serverless contact form handler for your static site using Digital Ocean functions . As part of the setup, we will be st...

Published 2 years ago

Deploying A Static Website To AWS S3

AWS S3 is a cloud storage service that caters to the storage needs of modern software applications. S3 buckets can be used to host static sites. Any website made up of HTML, CSS, and Javascript can be hosted and made publicly available using S3. Once you have your AWS account all s...

Published 2 years ago

Javascript Assignment Deconstruction - A Good Use Case

The Javascript assignment deconstruction syntax simplifies taking values in an array or object and storing each item ...

Published 2 years ago

Heroku Cron Jobs Made Easy And Free

Heroku recommends using the scheduler add-on to create and run cronjobs should you need one. But also points out the ...

Published 2 years ago

How To Allow The Use Of Tabs In A Textarea

I have an enlarged textarea box in the backend of my blog where I type my content as markdown and it has always been a pain whenever I need to indent some of the content. By default, the browser hops onto a new field whenever I hit the tab key. Up until now the only way I could indent te...

Published 2 years ago

How To Successfully Upgrade Laravel Applications To The Latest Version

One of the painful but most often useful things you have to do as a software developer or team is upgrading your software to the latest version of a framework it relies on. Most often you can delay the need to upgrade if you are running on a ...