Published a year ago

What Is Code Obfuscation?

Table of contents


Code obfuscation is the art of mangling code in other to make it hard to understand but can still be processed by a compiler [→] or interpreter [→].

Use Cases and Examples

Here is an example of a source code and its obfuscated version.


01: function adder(a,b) { 02: return a+b; 03: } 04: console.log(adder(1,2)); // 3

Obfuscated version

01: function _0x4d54(){var _0x18a909=['13531584fdTzaM','222872TGmnEy','851432oTVLov','20mHGLJV','503130wGVNmN','123WnocgB','133UmiAFm','78fRSXyR','1825569oolImR','log','71756ADmkcw','301265ttwfTB'];_0x4d54=function(){return _0x18a909;};return _0x4d54();}var _0x83888b=_0x57c8;(function(_0x3cf8cc,_0x3c9489){var _0x51917f=_0x57c8,_0x211690=_0x3cf8cc();while(!![]){try{var _0x235081=-parseInt(_0x51917f(0x1da))/0x1+parseInt(_0x51917f(0x1dc))/0x2+parseInt(_0x51917f(0x1dd))/0x3*(parseInt(_0x51917f(0x1e2))/0x4)+parseInt(_0x51917f(0x1e3))/0x5*(-parseInt(_0x51917f(0x1df))/0x6)+-parseInt(_0x51917f(0x1de))/0x7*(parseInt(_0x51917f(0x1d9))/0x8)+-parseInt(_0x51917f(0x1e0))/0x9*(-parseInt(_0x51917f(0x1db))/0xa)+parseInt(_0x51917f(0x1e4))/0xb;if(_0x235081===_0x3c9489)break;else _0x211690['push'](_0x211690['shift']());}catch(_0x2c531a){_0x211690['push'](_0x211690['shift']());}}}(_0x4d54,0x70060));function _0x57c8(_0x1465c5,_0x25a6d8){var _0x4d541e=_0x4d54();return _0x57c8=function(_0x57c84c,_0x2d9273){_0x57c84c=_0x57c84c-0x1d9;var _0x5ebd89=_0x4d541e[_0x57c84c];return _0x5ebd89;},_0x57c8(_0x1465c5,_0x25a6d8);}function adder(_0x4454d3,_0x56d64a){return _0x4454d3+_0x56d64a;}console[_0x83888b(0x1e1)](adder(0x1,0x2));

Try running both code samples above and you will end up with the same result, however, the latter is a lot harder to read and to understand.

Some teams obscure their code to prevent preying eyes from understanding what is happening and making successful changes. This is something a team is likely to do if the software is created using an interpreted programming language and deployed on a customer's server.

Some people also do it for the fun of it.


Modern-day code minification can also be seen as some form of obfuscation.

Most of the code becomes unreadable since short-form variables are used and all forms of indentation and spacing that help make code readable are removed as well.

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