Published a year ago

What Is Source Code?

Source code is the collection of code or a string of text files that make up a program. A program is a set of instructions and statements produced by a programmer in a computer programming lang...

Published a year ago

What Is Spaghetti Code?

Spaghetti code is code that is difficult to understand and eventually maintain because its structure is all over the place hence the word spaghetti in its name. One reference used in most examples is the statement. Usually, code is meant to be executed from the top to bottom, but...

Published a year ago

What Is Stress Testing?

Published a year ago

What Is Technical Debt?

Technical debt is a term used to define the cost in terms of resources that are incurred when a programmer goes with a solution to a task that will require some changes or improvements in the future. In layman's terms kicking the can down the road. The issue of technical debt is more of ...

Published a year ago

What Is Test Coverage?

Test coverage refers to how much of your software is tested in percentage. If a team doesn't check test coverage, they might believe their software has been thoroughly tested, even though this may not be the case. The way some systems measure test coverage is to simply count how m...

Published a year ago

What Is Testing?

Testing software means checking that parts of it work as they should In software development, there are many different types of testing. Some of these includes: Acceptance testing: This is testing of feature sets end users interact with to be sure they meet their ...