Published 11 months ago
What Is Private Alpha And Beta Mean?A private alpha or beta software release is the release of a software product to a limited audience under predefined conditions and a controlled environment. The audience for this phase are usually hand picked since external parties cannot access the software by themselves. The goal...
Published 11 months ago
What Is Recursion In Programming?Recursion is the process of creating a looping effect by allowing a function to call on itself over and over till a condition is met. ...
Published 11 months ago
What Is Vanilla Code?Vanilla code is source code that has close to zero dependencies on a framework or ...
Published 11 months ago
Who Is A Developer Relations Engineer?DevRel engineers are individuals with a software development background who promote technical products to developers. Most software products these days are meant to solve everyday business problems, and the marketing and sales process touch on concepts that are very familiar to the everyd...
Published 11 months ago
Who Is A Sales Engineer?Sales engineers are individuals who understand how to use a given product from a technical standpoint. They usually work with business and sales reps to convert potential customers by answering technical questions and coming up with technical solutions when needed. Sales engineers...
Published a year ago
Who Is A Quality Assurance Engineer (QA)?Engineers create software, and QA engineers test them to see if there are any bugs . QA engineers look for different...